
Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy - Conch Shell Suite (Ap Sara Media, 1999)

On continue dans la méditation pas new age! Le sous-titre ''ethno-musique concrète experiment'' est je pense assez clair pour présenter cette composition de 1965. Sur le CD, les morceaux sont précédés d'une introduction où l'artiste explique ses sources et ses intentions. C'est instructif (à condition de parler anglais, bien sûr), mais je trouve que ça casse le charme. Je vous conseillerais bien de zapper ces plages et de vous concentrer uniquement sur la musique. Même sans le ''mode d'emploi'', la musique garde toute sa poésie, et elle y gagne même en liberté. Une chose est sûre, on n'entend pas ça tous les jours!

Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy
Conch Shell Suite

CD Ap Sara Media for Intercultural Education (1999)

01. Preamble
02. The Conch Shell Suite
03. Conch Source
04. Conch in Hindu Ritual
05. The Two Conches
06. Individual Conches
07. Twin Conch Technique
08. Twin Conch Demonstration
09. More About Technique
10. Twin Conch Performance
11. Five Conch Shells
12. Multitracking Extract
13. Bade Ghulam Ali's Surmandal
14. Bade Ghulam Ali Khan Sings
15. Umrao Bundu's Surmandal
16. Umrao Bundu Khan Sings
17. Surmandal: Suite Tuning
18. Surmandal: Improvisation
19. CD Cover Painting
20. "Death of the Conches"

Note : Ethno-musique concrète experiment (1965).
The Conch Shell Suite (Track 2) was inspired by Antarjyami Muni's remarkable virtuosic performance (Track 10) on two conch shells simultaneously, in which he used gradual pitch changes of the conches separately, manipulation of interference patterns, circular breathing, harmonies, and rapid subdivisions in groups of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 notes. Antarjyami, a member of the Mali (gardener) caste, gave his primary occupation as "wprship and flower selling for garlanding Lord Siva," for whom the conch is an important ritual instrument. At the time he was 35 years old and lived in Buguda, Ganjam District, Orissa, about 100 miles from Puri. His father played 5 conch shells simultaneously, and was patronized by the late Raja Upendra Bhanj, also a poet. Intrigued by the notion of a consort of five conches, Jairazbhoy attempted in 1965 to expand upon the field recording by creating overdubbing, speed variation, and echo effects using two reel-to-reel tape recorders: a Reflectograph and a revox A77. On this CD, he introduces the Suite and then explains its conception and construction in a series of narrations, illustrated by extracts from the Suite and its sources, as well as original field recordings of surmandal techniques used as self-accompaniment to singing by the late Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, one of the most famous North Indian classical musicians of this century, and Ustad Umrao Bundu Khan, son of the legendary Ustad Bundu Khan, who is generally recognized as the greatest of all sarangi players. (liner notes)


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