Bon sang, dire que les Black Sessions c'est fini! Dire qu'on n'aura plus de concerts électrisants comme celui de Lift to Experience! Ou comme ce passage de Yo La Tengo, vétérans de l'indie-rock qui venaient à l'époque présenter leur excellentissime album Painfull, croisement possible de My Bloody Valentine et du troisième Velvet Underground. Un Yo La Tengo en mode furieusement électrique, vous allez vous régaler! Si vous cherchez une autre Black Session en particulier, n'hésitez pas à demander, je verrai ce que je peux faire.
Yo La Tengo
Black Session
Studio 106, Maison de la Radio, Paris, 06-12-1993
01. Big Day Coming
02. The Story of Jazz
03. From a Motel 6
04. Can't Seem to Make You Mine
05. The Cone of Silence
06. Nowhere Near
07. Double Dare
08. Out the Window
Lift to Experience - Black Session (2001)
Toute cette semaine, France Inter rediffuse quelques fameuses Black Sessions pour saluer le départ de Bernard Lenoir. Ce qui confirme les propos du néo-retraité, la station comptait bien encore sur lui cette année et n'avait rien de prévu pour le remplacer. C'est tout le problème, qui pour remplacer Lenoir? Et quelle idée stupide de supprimer les Black Sessions! Je continue donc mon trip nostalgique avec cette mémorable session du trio texan Lift to Experience, projet incandescent mené par Josh Pearson, groupe foudroyé après un unique album (The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads). Le disque était puissant, fiévreux et habité comme rarement, leur session est du même calibre. Intense!
Lift to Experience
Black Session
Studio 105, Maison de la Radio, Paris, 19-06-2001
01. Just as We Told
02. Falling from Cloud 9
03. With the World Behind
04. With Crippled Wings
05. The gRound so Soft
06. Waiting to Hit
07. Outro
Lift to Experience
Black Session
Studio 105, Maison de la Radio, Paris, 19-06-2001
01. Just as We Told
02. Falling from Cloud 9
03. With the World Behind
04. With Crippled Wings
05. The gRound so Soft
06. Waiting to Hit
07. Outro
Cat's Eyes - Cat's Eyes (Polydor, 2011)
Les journalistes français s'enthousiasment pour Skying, le dernier album de The Horros, en ne faisant que suivre leurs confrères d'outre-Manche, et sans comprendre pourquoi le public français ne les suit pas. Je crois que ça en dit surtout long sur l'influence et l'utilité des journalistes de rock en France aujourd'hui. Attention, je ne dis pas que je n'aime pas the Horrors! C'est juste que comme souvent, c'est à côté que les choses les plus intéressantes se passent, comme avec ce disque signé Cat's Eyes (désolé si vous tombez sur cette page en faisant une recherche sur l'animé du même nom!). Cat's Eyes est le projet parallèle de Faris Badwan, chanteur de The Horrors, accompagné de la canadienne Rachel Zaffira. Leur pop sucrée rétro n'invente rien, dans le genre le duo She & Him reste insurpassable, mais qu'est-ce que c'est agréable quand même! En plus, le disque a le bon goût d'être court - moins d'une demi-heure, accrocheur sans superflu. Après ça, vous avez toujours le droit de préférer The Horrors, mais vous saurez où vont mes préférences.
Cat's Eyes
Cat's Eyes
CD Polydor 2763488 (UK, 04-2011)
01. Cat's Eyes
02. The Best Person I Know
03. I'm Not Stupid
04. Face in the Crowd
05. Not a Friend
06. Bandit (3:03)
07. Sooner or Later
08. The Lull
09. Over You
10. I Knew It Was Over
Note : Written, arranged & orchestrated by Faris Badwan & Rachel Zeffira.
Orchestra recorded at Abbey Road Studios.
Cat's Eyes
Cat's Eyes
CD Polydor 2763488 (UK, 04-2011)
01. Cat's Eyes
02. The Best Person I Know
03. I'm Not Stupid
04. Face in the Crowd
05. Not a Friend
06. Bandit (3:03)
07. Sooner or Later
08. The Lull
09. Over You
10. I Knew It Was Over
Note : Written, arranged & orchestrated by Faris Badwan & Rachel Zeffira.
Orchestra recorded at Abbey Road Studios.
Priscilla Coolidge - Gypsy Queen (Sussex, 1970)
Priscilla Coolidge était la soeur de Rita Coolidge. Pour s'émanciper, elle a sorti cet album de folk-rock à la mode hippie sous son seul prénom. Booker T. Jones est aux manettes, sa soeur Rita vient faire les coeurs, mais rien n'y fait et le résultat n'est pas spécialement mémorable. Rien de déshonorant ici non plus, juste un disque dans l'air du temps, porté pas très haut par une chanteuse limitée qui se débrouille avec des chansons courantes, elles-mêmes appuyées par une production peu inventive. Alors pourquoi le downloader? Déjà parce que même si c'est sans grand éclat c'est quand même pas mal. Et puis, qui peut résister à une pochette et un titre pareil? Pas moi!
Priscilla Coolidge
Gypsy Queen
LP Sussex SXBS 7002 (USA, 1970)
01. On the Road
02. Let It Shine
03. Gypsy King
04. Come on Sweet
05. Salty Haze
06. "T" My "T"
07. Good Morning Freedom
08. Now the Children Remind You
09. Long Rivers Flow
10. Spring Rain
11. Hummingbird
Note : Produced & arranged by Booker T. Jones.
Priscilla Coolidge, vocals; Joel Scott Hill, guitar; Herb Ellis, guitar; Ray Stinnett, guitar; Ray Brown, bass; Chris Ethridge, bass; Earl Palmer, drums; Jim Gordon, drums; Sam Watson, drums; Rita Coolidge, back-up vocals; Donna Weiss, back-up vocals.
Priscilla Coolidge
Gypsy Queen
LP Sussex SXBS 7002 (USA, 1970)
01. On the Road
02. Let It Shine
03. Gypsy King
04. Come on Sweet
05. Salty Haze
06. "T" My "T"
07. Good Morning Freedom
08. Now the Children Remind You
09. Long Rivers Flow
10. Spring Rain
11. Hummingbird
Note : Produced & arranged by Booker T. Jones.
Priscilla Coolidge, vocals; Joel Scott Hill, guitar; Herb Ellis, guitar; Ray Stinnett, guitar; Ray Brown, bass; Chris Ethridge, bass; Earl Palmer, drums; Jim Gordon, drums; Sam Watson, drums; Rita Coolidge, back-up vocals; Donna Weiss, back-up vocals.
Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy - Conch Shell Suite (Ap Sara Media, 1999)
On continue dans la méditation pas new age! Le sous-titre ''ethno-musique concrète experiment'' est je pense assez clair pour présenter cette composition de 1965. Sur le CD, les morceaux sont précédés d'une introduction où l'artiste explique ses sources et ses intentions. C'est instructif (à condition de parler anglais, bien sûr), mais je trouve que ça casse le charme. Je vous conseillerais bien de zapper ces plages et de vous concentrer uniquement sur la musique. Même sans le ''mode d'emploi'', la musique garde toute sa poésie, et elle y gagne même en liberté. Une chose est sûre, on n'entend pas ça tous les jours!
Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy
Conch Shell Suite
CD Ap Sara Media for Intercultural Education (1999)
01. Preamble
02. The Conch Shell Suite
03. Conch Source
04. Conch in Hindu Ritual
05. The Two Conches
06. Individual Conches
07. Twin Conch Technique
08. Twin Conch Demonstration
09. More About Technique
10. Twin Conch Performance
11. Five Conch Shells
12. Multitracking Extract
13. Bade Ghulam Ali's Surmandal
14. Bade Ghulam Ali Khan Sings
15. Umrao Bundu's Surmandal
16. Umrao Bundu Khan Sings
17. Surmandal: Suite Tuning
18. Surmandal: Improvisation
19. CD Cover Painting
20. "Death of the Conches"
Note : Ethno-musique concrète experiment (1965).
The Conch Shell Suite (Track 2) was inspired by Antarjyami Muni's remarkable virtuosic performance (Track 10) on two conch shells simultaneously, in which he used gradual pitch changes of the conches separately, manipulation of interference patterns, circular breathing, harmonies, and rapid subdivisions in groups of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 notes. Antarjyami, a member of the Mali (gardener) caste, gave his primary occupation as "wprship and flower selling for garlanding Lord Siva," for whom the conch is an important ritual instrument. At the time he was 35 years old and lived in Buguda, Ganjam District, Orissa, about 100 miles from Puri. His father played 5 conch shells simultaneously, and was patronized by the late Raja Upendra Bhanj, also a poet. Intrigued by the notion of a consort of five conches, Jairazbhoy attempted in 1965 to expand upon the field recording by creating overdubbing, speed variation, and echo effects using two reel-to-reel tape recorders: a Reflectograph and a revox A77. On this CD, he introduces the Suite and then explains its conception and construction in a series of narrations, illustrated by extracts from the Suite and its sources, as well as original field recordings of surmandal techniques used as self-accompaniment to singing by the late Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, one of the most famous North Indian classical musicians of this century, and Ustad Umrao Bundu Khan, son of the legendary Ustad Bundu Khan, who is generally recognized as the greatest of all sarangi players. (liner notes)
Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy
Conch Shell Suite
CD Ap Sara Media for Intercultural Education (1999)
01. Preamble
02. The Conch Shell Suite
03. Conch Source
04. Conch in Hindu Ritual
05. The Two Conches
06. Individual Conches
07. Twin Conch Technique
08. Twin Conch Demonstration
09. More About Technique
10. Twin Conch Performance
11. Five Conch Shells
12. Multitracking Extract
13. Bade Ghulam Ali's Surmandal
14. Bade Ghulam Ali Khan Sings
15. Umrao Bundu's Surmandal
16. Umrao Bundu Khan Sings
17. Surmandal: Suite Tuning
18. Surmandal: Improvisation
19. CD Cover Painting
20. "Death of the Conches"
Note : Ethno-musique concrète experiment (1965).
The Conch Shell Suite (Track 2) was inspired by Antarjyami Muni's remarkable virtuosic performance (Track 10) on two conch shells simultaneously, in which he used gradual pitch changes of the conches separately, manipulation of interference patterns, circular breathing, harmonies, and rapid subdivisions in groups of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 notes. Antarjyami, a member of the Mali (gardener) caste, gave his primary occupation as "wprship and flower selling for garlanding Lord Siva," for whom the conch is an important ritual instrument. At the time he was 35 years old and lived in Buguda, Ganjam District, Orissa, about 100 miles from Puri. His father played 5 conch shells simultaneously, and was patronized by the late Raja Upendra Bhanj, also a poet. Intrigued by the notion of a consort of five conches, Jairazbhoy attempted in 1965 to expand upon the field recording by creating overdubbing, speed variation, and echo effects using two reel-to-reel tape recorders: a Reflectograph and a revox A77. On this CD, he introduces the Suite and then explains its conception and construction in a series of narrations, illustrated by extracts from the Suite and its sources, as well as original field recordings of surmandal techniques used as self-accompaniment to singing by the late Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, one of the most famous North Indian classical musicians of this century, and Ustad Umrao Bundu Khan, son of the legendary Ustad Bundu Khan, who is generally recognized as the greatest of all sarangi players. (liner notes)
Henry Wolff & Nancy Hennings - Tibetan Bells (Antilles, 1973)
Musique hautement méditative s'il en est! Ce grand classique et pionnier du genre échappe aux pièges et aux clichés pour nous proposer une authentique expérience d'écoute. Ni touristique ni à la mode, ces pièces sont d'une grande profondeur, et les musiciens apportent à ces instruments une dimension expérimentale bien loin des facilités new age!
Henry Wolff & Nancy Hennings
Tibetan Bells
LP Antilles AN-7006 (USA, 1973)
01. Khumbu Ice-Fall
02. Rainbow Light
03. White Light
04. From the Roof of the World You Can See Forever
05. Wrathful Deity
06. Clear Light
07. A Choir of Bells
Note : Produced by Henry Wolff and Tony Platt. Except for the last two cuts of Side One, taken in Formentera, Spain, this album was recorded at Island Studios, Basing Street, London, April-May, 1971.
Back in 1972, Henry Wolff and Nancy Hennings made a landmark recording. They released the first album of Tibetan singing bowls and Tibetan bells. They, in effect, introduced the meditative and healing powers of these instruments to the rest of the Western world. In 1972, Tibetan Bells would have been considered highly experimental and avant-garde — perhaps even revolutionary (in a musical sense, anyway). This album remained a cult classic for many years. These instruments did not gain immediate recognition in the new age or e-music communities. Artists like Jonathan Goldman, Klaus Wiese, Deuter, and Xumantra have used them extensively in the 1990s and 2000s.
Henry Wolff & Nancy Hennings
Tibetan Bells
LP Antilles AN-7006 (USA, 1973)
01. Khumbu Ice-Fall
02. Rainbow Light
03. White Light
04. From the Roof of the World You Can See Forever
05. Wrathful Deity
06. Clear Light
07. A Choir of Bells
Note : Produced by Henry Wolff and Tony Platt. Except for the last two cuts of Side One, taken in Formentera, Spain, this album was recorded at Island Studios, Basing Street, London, April-May, 1971.
Back in 1972, Henry Wolff and Nancy Hennings made a landmark recording. They released the first album of Tibetan singing bowls and Tibetan bells. They, in effect, introduced the meditative and healing powers of these instruments to the rest of the Western world. In 1972, Tibetan Bells would have been considered highly experimental and avant-garde — perhaps even revolutionary (in a musical sense, anyway). This album remained a cult classic for many years. These instruments did not gain immediate recognition in the new age or e-music communities. Artists like Jonathan Goldman, Klaus Wiese, Deuter, and Xumantra have used them extensively in the 1990s and 2000s.
David Coulter / Michael Gira / Jean Marie Mathoul / Charlemagne Palestine - Gantse Mishpuchah (Fringes, 2004)
Je me suis fait plaisir avec une série de posts orientés IDM. Maintenant, on passe à quelque chose de plus robuste! Quatre grands noms qui conversent et composent par correspondance. Il y a un tapis de drones, et il se passe plein de choses autour selon l'humeur des différents participants. Pas franchement facile, mais ça a le mérite d'ouvrir vers d'autres horizons! Et sur la pochette c'est une des peluches de Palestine, adorable non?
David Coulter / Michael Gira / Jean Marie Mathoul / Charlemagne Palestine
Gantse Mishpuchah
CD Fringes Recordings Fringes 16 (Italy, 11-2004)
01. Part # One
02. Part # Two
03. Part # Three
Note : Music conceived & recorded by correspondence (2003/2004).
Double Bass, Didgeridoo, Piano, Percussion, Violectra, Voice - David Coulter
Alumonium, Street Recordings, Organ, Voice - Charlemagne Palestine
Electronica - Jean-Jacques Palix
Synthesizer [Akai S-900], Finger, Various Sounds From Body Lovers - Michael Gira
Synthesizer [Korg 05r/w], Loops, Percussion, Sampler, Tape - Jean Marie Mathoul
David Coulter / Michael Gira / Jean Marie Mathoul / Charlemagne Palestine
Gantse Mishpuchah
CD Fringes Recordings Fringes 16 (Italy, 11-2004)
01. Part # One
02. Part # Two
03. Part # Three
Note : Music conceived & recorded by correspondence (2003/2004).
Double Bass, Didgeridoo, Piano, Percussion, Violectra, Voice - David Coulter
Alumonium, Street Recordings, Organ, Voice - Charlemagne Palestine
Electronica - Jean-Jacques Palix
Synthesizer [Akai S-900], Finger, Various Sounds From Body Lovers - Michael Gira
Synthesizer [Korg 05r/w], Loops, Percussion, Sampler, Tape - Jean Marie Mathoul
Fax - Primario (Static Discos, 2006)
Voisin de son compatriote Murcof sur le label Static Discos, le mexicain Ruben Alonso Tamayo nous offre une musique électronique moins imposante, plus douce et ronde. Au détour d'arrangements variés, voire inattendus, minimal techno, dub et microhouse y gagnent une saveur atmosphérique. A découvrir, et pas uniquement si vous êtes fan de Murcof!
CD Static Discos sta017 (Mexico, 05-2006)
01. Soulsong
02. Xing
03. Luza
04. Porcelana
05. Passage
06. Tunel (Para F)
07. Paracaidas
09. El Calor en la Pared
Note : Fax is Ruben Alonso Tamayo: Computer, guitar, bass, keys, fx and samples
CD Static Discos sta017 (Mexico, 05-2006)
01. Soulsong
02. Xing
03. Luza
04. Porcelana
05. Passage
06. Tunel (Para F)
07. Paracaidas
09. El Calor en la Pared
Note : Fax is Ruben Alonso Tamayo: Computer, guitar, bass, keys, fx and samples
Joel Tammik - Desert (Cactus Island, 2007)
Sur Cactus Island, l'estonien Joel Tammik nous propose ce très intéressant maxi, dont les textures ambient sont habillées, ou devrais-je dire habitées, de rythmiques dub cliniques. Ces sonorités génèrent des paysages à la fois glacés et pourtant pleins de vie en même temps. Voilà ce qui s'appelle un travail finement ciselé!
Joel Tammik
Desert EP
CDr3'' Cactus Island Recordings CACT 025 (UK, 04-2007)
01. When
02. Go
03. Rust
04. Hill
Note : Comes in clear plastic casing, limited to 250 copies.
Joel Tammik`s solo work is fab. Understated, lush and full of ambient warmth, the sound is perfect for relaxing to. Having provided, for me, one of the stand-out tracks on Cactus Island´s Brittle Behaviour compilation from february, Joel now delivers 3“ all of his own and, as you might imagine, it´s an absolute doozie of a release. You get 4 achingly deep tracks of beautifully constructed electronica that ooze with atmosphere and class, each conjuring a different spell over the listener and pretty much guaranteeing that you´ll be putting this on repeat like i did. In some ways it is a retro sound and there´s a trademark hint of jazz to the percussion, but the essential ingredients here are soundscape driven textures and aquatic basslines that keep everything nicely fluid. A really good release this and, in all probability, my favorite in the series so far. Large… yet small, paradoxically! (Smallfish)
Joel Tammik
Desert EP
CDr3'' Cactus Island Recordings CACT 025 (UK, 04-2007)
01. When
02. Go
03. Rust
04. Hill
Note : Comes in clear plastic casing, limited to 250 copies.
Joel Tammik`s solo work is fab. Understated, lush and full of ambient warmth, the sound is perfect for relaxing to. Having provided, for me, one of the stand-out tracks on Cactus Island´s Brittle Behaviour compilation from february, Joel now delivers 3“ all of his own and, as you might imagine, it´s an absolute doozie of a release. You get 4 achingly deep tracks of beautifully constructed electronica that ooze with atmosphere and class, each conjuring a different spell over the listener and pretty much guaranteeing that you´ll be putting this on repeat like i did. In some ways it is a retro sound and there´s a trademark hint of jazz to the percussion, but the essential ingredients here are soundscape driven textures and aquatic basslines that keep everything nicely fluid. A really good release this and, in all probability, my favorite in the series so far. Large… yet small, paradoxically! (Smallfish)
Team Doyobi - Push Chairs for Grown Ups (Skam, 2000)
En provenance du label Skam, petit frère imprévisible de Warp et refuge des projets parallèles du duo Autechre, voici un autre maxi représentatif de l'âge d'or de l'IDM. Mélodies et sonorités ludiques. Les musiciens semblent n'avoir qu'une envie: jouer avec l'auditeur!
Team Doyobi
Push Chairs for Grown Ups
CD Skam SKA016CD (UK, 2000)
01. Push Chairs for Grown Ups
02. Kitten Development
03. Stickleback
04. Airels Adventure in Easter Island
05. Two of Everything
06. Birdstrike
07. A Song for ______________
08. Spider Monkey
Note : Debut full EP for this Leeds based duo. An interesting mix of lo-bit melody fragments (SID-chip possibly?) hemming traditional post-digital electro crunch and occasional Panasonic-like brown noise filtered percussion. Songs tend to loop on a bit without any real development per se but, well, if that's the only thing to comment on we're doing quite OK. Moderately fresh and surprisingly dancefloor ready given the climate.
Team Doyobi
Push Chairs for Grown Ups
CD Skam SKA016CD (UK, 2000)
01. Push Chairs for Grown Ups
02. Kitten Development
03. Stickleback
04. Airels Adventure in Easter Island
05. Two of Everything
06. Birdstrike
07. A Song for ______________
08. Spider Monkey
Note : Debut full EP for this Leeds based duo. An interesting mix of lo-bit melody fragments (SID-chip possibly?) hemming traditional post-digital electro crunch and occasional Panasonic-like brown noise filtered percussion. Songs tend to loop on a bit without any real development per se but, well, if that's the only thing to comment on we're doing quite OK. Moderately fresh and surprisingly dancefloor ready given the climate.
Mise en Scene - Neo~ylo (Boltfish, 2007)
Depuis des années, Boltfish est un refuge pour les amateurs d'IDM et d'electronica. Avec, il faut le signaler, une fidélité et constance dans la qualité qui sont remarquables! Le vétéran Mise en Scène y trouve parfaitement sa place. De l'IDM finement ouvragée, dont les structures empruntent certes des chemins bien balisés, mais avec assez de maîtrise pour maintenir sans peine l'intérêt tout au long de ce maxi.
Mise en Scene
CDr3'' Boltfish Recordings BOLT040 (UK, 05-2007)
01. Fog:water
02. D:great
03. Neo~ylo
04. Prepare:archive
05. Water
Note : Written & produced by Shay Nassi.
Mise en Scene's first solo release on Boltfish follows his successful appearance on our Tandem Series alongside dooQ in July 2006. With Neo~ylo he returns on blistering form and with a grittier development of his sound.
Mise en Scene
CDr3'' Boltfish Recordings BOLT040 (UK, 05-2007)
01. Fog:water
02. D:great
03. Neo~ylo
04. Prepare:archive
05. Water
Note : Written & produced by Shay Nassi.
Mise en Scene's first solo release on Boltfish follows his successful appearance on our Tandem Series alongside dooQ in July 2006. With Neo~ylo he returns on blistering form and with a grittier development of his sound.
Modified Toy Orchestra - New Sounds From Old Circuits (Static Caravan, 2002)
Static Caravan nous assure que ce premier single de Modified Toy Orchestra a été réalisé uniquement à partir de jouets. Si les instruments de musique sont des jouets, je veux bien les croire! Vous l'aurez compris, ce single nous propose une IDM particulièrement ludique!
Modified Toy Orchestra
New Sounds From Old Circuits
7'' Static Caravan VAN 35 (UK, 2002)
a1. Toy Riff I.C.
a2. Synthesizer Youth Day
b1. Xylo
Note : First seven inch by MTO. Is it really all just toys...YES! (Static Caravan)
Modified Toy Orchestra
New Sounds From Old Circuits
7'' Static Caravan VAN 35 (UK, 2002)
a1. Toy Riff I.C.
a2. Synthesizer Youth Day
b1. Xylo
Note : First seven inch by MTO. Is it really all just toys...YES! (Static Caravan)
Midaircondo - Shopping for Images (Type, 2005)
Derrière ce joli titre on trouve le premier album de deux suédoises. Entre electronica et folktronica, on y trouve des chansons délicates et multi-instrumentales. Bien sûr, d'autres comme Björk sont déjà passées par là pour défricher le terrain. Ceci explique sans doute pourquoi cette musique si singulière reste malgré tout familière. Le résultat est plein de charme!
Shopping for Images
CD Type Records TYPE 008 (UK, 10-2005)
01. Eva Stern, Shake It
02. Could You Please Stop
03. Serenade
04. Coffeeshop
05. Sorry
06. Although I Heard
07. Perfect Spot
08. Who's Playing
09. Lo-Fi Love
10. Faces
11. I'll Be Waiting
Note : Lisa Nordström & Lisen Rylander.
Midaircondo is a new band within the swedish electronica scene, working in between the acoustic and electronic area. Midaircondo is a constellation which explores beat, sound, voice, improvisation in an audio-visual environment. The group was founded in Gothenburg, Sweden in December 2002. The starting point was the yearning to explore new and unexpected ways to create music, with the emphasis on lowintensity and sensibility. Midaircondo combines the music with their own visuals.
Shopping for Images
CD Type Records TYPE 008 (UK, 10-2005)
01. Eva Stern, Shake It
02. Could You Please Stop
03. Serenade
04. Coffeeshop
05. Sorry
06. Although I Heard
07. Perfect Spot
08. Who's Playing
09. Lo-Fi Love
10. Faces
11. I'll Be Waiting
Note : Lisa Nordström & Lisen Rylander.
Midaircondo is a new band within the swedish electronica scene, working in between the acoustic and electronic area. Midaircondo is a constellation which explores beat, sound, voice, improvisation in an audio-visual environment. The group was founded in Gothenburg, Sweden in December 2002. The starting point was the yearning to explore new and unexpected ways to create music, with the emphasis on lowintensity and sensibility. Midaircondo combines the music with their own visuals.
Svarte Greiner - Depardieu (Type, 2006)
Et voici un autre single de Svarte Greiner, lui aussi sorti aux débuts du projet. S'agit-il d'un hommage à l'acteur des Valseuses? J'en doute, à moins de considérer notre Gégé national comme un ogre! Ténébreux, brr...
Svarte Greiner
7'' Type Records T7PE 005 (UK, 2006)
a1. Boat Depardieu
b1. Wind with Teeth
Svarte Greiner
7'' Type Records T7PE 005 (UK, 2006)
a1. Boat Depardieu
b1. Wind with Teeth
Svarte Greiner - Raggsokk (Type, 2006)
Svarte Greiner est le projet de Erik Skodvin, membre par ailleurs du fameux duo Deaf Center. Ténébreuse musique de nuit. On dort, on rêve, mais on sent bien qu'en fait ce rêve vire au cauchemar. La nature est hostile - à l'image de la pochette avec cet oiseau aux yeux revenus de l'au-delà, l'environnement est menaçant. C'est beau, oui, mais c'est inquiétant aussi! Ceci était un de ses premiers singles.
Svarte Greiner
7'' Type Records T7PE 007 (UK, 11-2006)
a1. Forest in a Circle
b1. Raggsokk
Note : Limited to 300 copies. Each copy contains one of four different handmade inserts.
Svarte Greiner
7'' Type Records T7PE 007 (UK, 11-2006)
a1. Forest in a Circle
b1. Raggsokk
Note : Limited to 300 copies. Each copy contains one of four different handmade inserts.
Epic45 - Steps to Further Winter (Wayside and Woodland, 2009)
Au fil des ans et des albums, Epic45 a gagné une belle maturité, les plaçant en dignes héritiers de Hood et de Bark Psychosis - et donc aussi de Talk Talk - dans le registre post-rock pastoral. Pour preuve cette collection de chansons éparses compilées sur un obscur CDr vendu lors d'une tournée, qui fait preuve d'une unité qui manque à beaucoup d'autres ''vrais'' albums. Même dans ses à-côtés, il n'y a décidément rien à jeter chez Epic45. Un groupe majeur!
Steps to Further Winter
CDr Wayside And Woodland Recordings w&w008 (UK, 10-2009)
01. SFB
02. Clipping the Church
03. Rain on Rooftops
04. A Clear Day
05. The Balloonist (Version)
06. Autumn to Winter
07. Shadowed by Trees
08. Summer Green Corridor
09. Stars in Spring (Televise Remix)
10. I Can't Watch this Place Decay
Note : October 2009 european tour CD.
Written and recorded between 2003 and 2009.
Steps to Further Winter
CDr Wayside And Woodland Recordings w&w008 (UK, 10-2009)
01. SFB
02. Clipping the Church
03. Rain on Rooftops
04. A Clear Day
05. The Balloonist (Version)
06. Autumn to Winter
07. Shadowed by Trees
08. Summer Green Corridor
09. Stars in Spring (Televise Remix)
10. I Can't Watch this Place Decay
Note : October 2009 european tour CD.
Written and recorded between 2003 and 2009.
Connie Francis - Sings Bacharach and David (MGM, 1968)
Après Jim O'Rourke, je vous propose un nouvel album de relectures de Burt Bacharach. Que voulez-vous, je suis incapable d'y résister! Connie Francis est davantage dans l'emphase, le mélodramatique et le premier degré. Ce qu'on perd en légèreté, en humour et en second degré, est compensé par des arrangements pour le coup soyeux. Je vous l'avais bien dit, je suis incapable d'y résister!
Connie Francis
Sings Bacharach and David
LP MGM 4585 (USA, 1968)
01. What the World Needs Now
02. Promises Promises
03. The Look of Love
04. Do You Know the Way to San Jose
05. Trains and Boats and Planes
06. Make It Easy on Yourself
07. Alfie
08. This Girl's in Love with You / I Say a Little Prayer
09. Wanting Things
10. Walk on by
11. Magic Moments / Blue on Blue
12. Don't Make Me Over
Note : Far and away Connie Francis' hippest, most rewarding LP, Sings Bacharach and David pairs the singer with arranger Claus Ogerman, whose interpretations of the Burt Bacharach/Hal David songbook augment the melodies' jazz-like intricacies to create a series of subdued, richly textured settings that perfectly complement Francis' uncharacteristic vocal restraint. Ogerman's nuanced string arrangements are worthy of Bacharach himself, eloquently conveying the style and sophistication that make these familiar songs so timeless. And while she's no Dionne or Dusty, Francis clearly grasps the substance of David's lyrics, investing readings of "Make It Easy on Yourself," "I Say a Little Prayer," and "Walk on By" with genuine poignancy. An unexpected delight.
Connie Francis
Sings Bacharach and David
LP MGM 4585 (USA, 1968)
01. What the World Needs Now
02. Promises Promises
03. The Look of Love
04. Do You Know the Way to San Jose
05. Trains and Boats and Planes
06. Make It Easy on Yourself
07. Alfie
08. This Girl's in Love with You / I Say a Little Prayer
09. Wanting Things
10. Walk on by
11. Magic Moments / Blue on Blue
12. Don't Make Me Over
Note : Far and away Connie Francis' hippest, most rewarding LP, Sings Bacharach and David pairs the singer with arranger Claus Ogerman, whose interpretations of the Burt Bacharach/Hal David songbook augment the melodies' jazz-like intricacies to create a series of subdued, richly textured settings that perfectly complement Francis' uncharacteristic vocal restraint. Ogerman's nuanced string arrangements are worthy of Bacharach himself, eloquently conveying the style and sophistication that make these familiar songs so timeless. And while she's no Dionne or Dusty, Francis clearly grasps the substance of David's lyrics, investing readings of "Make It Easy on Yourself," "I Say a Little Prayer," and "Walk on By" with genuine poignancy. An unexpected delight.
Martyn Bates & Troum - To a Child Dancing in the Wind (Transgredient, 2006)
Chez les fans de Troum, certains puristes détestent cet album. Quoi, de la lumière et de la légèreté chez Troum? Des chansons chez Troum? Avec en plus la voix si caractéristique de Martyn Bates? Pas étonnant qu'ils aient une attaque! Malgré tout mon respect envers les gardiens du temple, permettez-moi de vous dire qu'il se trompent. Oui, l'album est franchement à part dans la discographie de Troum, il n'est reste pas moins un bijou de drone ambient. Ecoutez-le, vous verrez par vous-même!
Martyn Bates & Troum
To a Child Dancing in the Wind
CD Transgredient Records TR-03 (Germany, 04-2006)
01. Mad as the Mist and Snow #2
02. The Arrow
03. The Magi
04. I Made my Song
05. To a Child Dancing in the Wind
06. Mad Reprise
Note : Recorded & produced in mail collaboration through the years 2004 & 2005.
Martyn Bates & Troum
To a Child Dancing in the Wind
CD Transgredient Records TR-03 (Germany, 04-2006)
01. Mad as the Mist and Snow #2
02. The Arrow
03. The Magi
04. I Made my Song
05. To a Child Dancing in the Wind
06. Mad Reprise
Note : Recorded & produced in mail collaboration through the years 2004 & 2005.
Morphine - Black Session (1994)
D'habitude, les Black Sessions étaient réservées aux parisiens. Pour une fois, les provinciaux n'étaient pas obligés d'écouter Bernard Lenoir dans le poste, puisque c'était à Brest que ça se passait. Un groupe qui s'appelle Morphine, avec un leader qui s'appelle Mark Sandman (littéralement le marchand de sable!), qui joue avec un saxophone et une basse à deux cordes, ça éveille forcément la curiosité. Morphine était plus qu'une curiosité, c'était un sacré bon groupe. Ecoutez cette session ou leur album ''Cure for Pain'', vous m'en direz des nouvelles!
Black Session
Le Melody, Brest, 09-04-1994
01. Lucky Day
02. Free Now
03. All Wrong
04. Candy
05. Claire
06. Mary
07. Cure
08. Saddest
09. Thursday
10. The Only One
11. You Speaking
12. Cry for Help
13. You Look Like Rain
14. Buena
Black Session
Le Melody, Brest, 09-04-1994
01. Lucky Day
02. Free Now
03. All Wrong
04. Candy
05. Claire
06. Mary
07. Cure
08. Saddest
09. Thursday
10. The Only One
11. You Speaking
12. Cry for Help
13. You Look Like Rain
14. Buena
Cocteau Twins - Black Session (1995)
Puisque les Black Sessions c'est fini et que Bernard Lenoir a raccroché le micro, il ne nous reste que des souvenirs, et pas mal d'enregistrements aussi! Les Cocteau Twins ici vers la fin de leur carrière (on comprend ce qu'ils chantent) viennent en amis saluer le public de la Maison de la Radio. Beaucoup d'auditeurs s'agacent d'entendre Lenoir parler systématiquement sur la musique, il faisait ça délibérément pour perturber les profiteurs qui vendaient des bootlegs de ses sessions. Et maintenant sa voix va nous manquer!
Cocteau Twins
Black Session
Studio 105, Maison de la Radio, Paris, 22-12-1995
01. Half-Gifts
02. Golden Vein
03. Rilkean Heart
04. Pandora
05. Serpent Skirt
06. Seekers Who Are Lovers
07. Carolyn's Fingers
08. Iceblink Link
09. Song to the Siren
10. Cherry-Coloured Funk
11. Seekers Who Are Lovers (encore)
Cocteau Twins
Black Session
Studio 105, Maison de la Radio, Paris, 22-12-1995
01. Half-Gifts
02. Golden Vein
03. Rilkean Heart
04. Pandora
05. Serpent Skirt
06. Seekers Who Are Lovers
07. Carolyn's Fingers
08. Iceblink Link
09. Song to the Siren
10. Cherry-Coloured Funk
11. Seekers Who Are Lovers (encore)
Swell - Black Session (1997)
Vous aimiez les Black Sessions? Hélas, sur France Inter c'est fini. Mais ici on va les faire revivre encore un peu! Bernard Lenoir dit qu'on ne l'a pas poussé vers la sortie et que la radio voulait vraiment le garder à la rentrée. Si la station tenait tant à lui, pourquoi avoir stoppé des sessions qui auraient fêté cette année leur vingtième anniversaire? Si Swell a eu du succès en France, c'est en bonne partie grâce à la fidélité de Lenoir, supporter de longue date. Sans lui, ça va laisser un vide.
Black Session
Studio 104, Maison de la Radio, Paris, 10-04-1997
01. At Long Last
02. Throw the Wine
03. Smile my Friend
04. At Lennie's
05. Sunshine Everyday
06. Goodbye
07. Air That I Breathe
08. Kinda Stoned
09. Down
10. Song Seven
11. Going up (to Portland)
12. What I Always Wanted
Black Session
Studio 104, Maison de la Radio, Paris, 10-04-1997
01. At Long Last
02. Throw the Wine
03. Smile my Friend
04. At Lennie's
05. Sunshine Everyday
06. Goodbye
07. Air That I Breathe
08. Kinda Stoned
09. Down
10. Song Seven
11. Going up (to Portland)
12. What I Always Wanted
Ian McCulloch - Black Session (1992)
La nouvelle est tombée: les Black Sessions c'est fini, et Bernard Lenoir rend son tablier dans la foulée. A l'heure d'Internet et des blogs, on a d'autres moyens de découvrir des nouveaux groupes. N'empêche, sa voix nous accompagnait dans nos découvertes, et même si je ne l'écoutais plus depuis longtemps ça va me manquer de savoir qu'il n'est plus là. Pour l'occasion, après Labradford et Interpol le mois dernier, retour ce weekend sur une des premières Black Sessions, la numéro 2. Ian McCulloch se repose sur ses acquis, il vient présenter un second album solo inégal et surproduit, mais en live il assure toujours. C'est en acoustique, il fait des blagues et joue de son charme avec le public, et nous glisse en bonus une reprise de The Killing Moon. Irrésistible!
Ian McCulloch
Black Session
Maison de la Radio, Paris, 10-03-1992
01. Intro
02. Honeydrip
03. Vibor Blue
04. Lover Lover Lover
05. Goldmine
06. Heaven's Gate
07. The Killing Moon
08. Candleland
09. Do It Clean
10. I Look Like Judy Garland
Ian McCulloch
Black Session
Maison de la Radio, Paris, 10-03-1992
01. Intro
02. Honeydrip
03. Vibor Blue
04. Lover Lover Lover
05. Goldmine
06. Heaven's Gate
07. The Killing Moon
08. Candleland
09. Do It Clean
10. I Look Like Judy Garland
Eric Matthews - Foundation Sounds (Empyrean, 2006)
Révélé par sa collaboration avec Richard Davies au sein du duo Cardinal - dont l'unique album culte est réédité tous les dix ans dans une nouvelle édition encore plus augmentée que la précédente - Eric Matthews n'aura jamais vraiment connu le succès en solo malgré ses deux premiers albums foudroyants pour Sub Pop. L'élégance suprême de son écriture classieuse aurait pourtant mérité une bien plus large audience! Hélas, je dois reconnaitre que la surdité chronique du public n'est pas la seule cause de son insuccès. Au fil du temps, il a perdu de sa flamboyance et sa musique a une fâcheuse tendance au sur-place. Ne boudons pas pour autant notre plaisir avec cet album de très haute tenue!
Eric Matthews
Foundation Sounds
CD Empyrean Records SKY015 (USA, 2006)
01. Our House
02. Sorry
03. Gold
04. When You Should Be There
05. Death of in Between
06. Survive
07. This Chance
08. Watch the Sky
09. Courage
10. All the Clowns
11. More Than I Can Give
12. All That Remains
13. Start of the Meltdown
14. Sounds of Flight
15. The Fly
16. And the World Will Go
17. Till This Story Ends
Note : In the liner notes to 2006's Foundation Sounds, Eric Matthews explains his career strategy as he had planned it prior to the release of his solo debut, 1995's It's Heavy in Here. Over the course of 40 albums, he would gradually strip all traditional pop instrumentation from his productions, proceeding from a full synthesis of pop and classical to an approach that was wholly classical. Like Sufjan Stevens' 50-states project, time was against him from the beginning, and although his second album followed less than two years later, it wasn't until 2005 that another release escaped -- and that a mini-LP. Like that release, Matthews' fourth LP refines his talents for production and songwriting, but it doesn't show him growing as a vocalist. The album is not only self-produced, but the work of a one-man band, with Matthews handling the traditional guitar-bass-drums setup plus piano, and occasionally, woodwinds and brass. (In the notes, he calls it "the purest Eric Matthews statement yet.") Very little has changed in his world -- his songs are beautifully crafted and subtly moving (the deeper chords usually proceeding at a stately pace), and Foundation Sounds is undeniably the work of an arranging and songwriting artisan.
Eric Matthews
Foundation Sounds
CD Empyrean Records SKY015 (USA, 2006)
01. Our House
02. Sorry
03. Gold
04. When You Should Be There
05. Death of in Between
06. Survive
07. This Chance
08. Watch the Sky
09. Courage
10. All the Clowns
11. More Than I Can Give
12. All That Remains
13. Start of the Meltdown
14. Sounds of Flight
15. The Fly
16. And the World Will Go
17. Till This Story Ends
Note : In the liner notes to 2006's Foundation Sounds, Eric Matthews explains his career strategy as he had planned it prior to the release of his solo debut, 1995's It's Heavy in Here. Over the course of 40 albums, he would gradually strip all traditional pop instrumentation from his productions, proceeding from a full synthesis of pop and classical to an approach that was wholly classical. Like Sufjan Stevens' 50-states project, time was against him from the beginning, and although his second album followed less than two years later, it wasn't until 2005 that another release escaped -- and that a mini-LP. Like that release, Matthews' fourth LP refines his talents for production and songwriting, but it doesn't show him growing as a vocalist. The album is not only self-produced, but the work of a one-man band, with Matthews handling the traditional guitar-bass-drums setup plus piano, and occasionally, woodwinds and brass. (In the notes, he calls it "the purest Eric Matthews statement yet.") Very little has changed in his world -- his songs are beautifully crafted and subtly moving (the deeper chords usually proceeding at a stately pace), and Foundation Sounds is undeniably the work of an arranging and songwriting artisan.
Yvette Mimieux & Ali Akbar Khan - Flowers of Evil (Connoisseur Society, 1968)
Malgré son nom, Yvette Mimieux n'est pas une actrice française, puisqu'elle est bien née en Californie. Un tour rapide sur IMDB confirmera que sa carrière reste mineure, malgré des débuts dans La Machine à Explorer le Temps de Georges Pal, Les Quatre Cavaliers de l'Apocalypse de Minnelli, le méconnu Lumière sur la Plazza de Guy Grenn, et un rôle dans Le Trou Noir version Disney en fin de parcours. Sa carrière musicale, quant à elle, reste anecdotique. Je ne m'y connais pas assez en musique indienne pour juger des qualités de ce disque, je me bornerai donc à constater que réciter des poèmes de Baudelaire est un exercice risqué et qu'Yvette Mimieux montre rapidement ses limites. Le charme agit tout de même sur ce petit disque. Voilà bien une curiosité!
Yvette Mimieux & Ali Akbar Khan
Flowers of Evil (Les Fleurs du Mal)
LP Connoisseur Society CS2007 (USA, 1968)
01. To a Passer-by
02. A Voyage to Cythera
03. Murdered Woman
04. The Albatross
05. Lethe
06. Episode
Note : Yvette Mimieux (narrator). Original music composed and performed by Ali Akbar Khan (sarod and lute), Pandit Mahapurush Misra (tabla). Tamboura player not credited.
Producer Alan Silver was inquiring about recording fantasies with previous Life mag cover girl and actress Ms. Mimieux while attending a performance by Khansahib at the Hollywood Bowl to which she replied with the idea of a recitation of Baudelaire's Les fleurs du mal . According to Nat Hentoff's liner notes, Mr. Khan just happened to be in the room ("Yes Mr. Khan, a Miss Mimieux would like to come backstage, would that be alright? Of course sir, I'll show right her in.") and when asked if he could conceive of participating in such a project he assured them that with the poems and moods required, he could do the job.
Yvette Mimieux & Ali Akbar Khan
Flowers of Evil (Les Fleurs du Mal)
LP Connoisseur Society CS2007 (USA, 1968)
01. To a Passer-by
02. A Voyage to Cythera
03. Murdered Woman
04. The Albatross
05. Lethe
06. Episode
Note : Yvette Mimieux (narrator). Original music composed and performed by Ali Akbar Khan (sarod and lute), Pandit Mahapurush Misra (tabla). Tamboura player not credited.
Producer Alan Silver was inquiring about recording fantasies with previous Life mag cover girl and actress Ms. Mimieux while attending a performance by Khansahib at the Hollywood Bowl to which she replied with the idea of a recitation of Baudelaire's Les fleurs du mal . According to Nat Hentoff's liner notes, Mr. Khan just happened to be in the room ("Yes Mr. Khan, a Miss Mimieux would like to come backstage, would that be alright? Of course sir, I'll show right her in.") and when asked if he could conceive of participating in such a project he assured them that with the poems and moods required, he could do the job.
Black Eagle Child - Kite Excursions (Blackest Rainbow, 2009)
Décidément, on reste dans le folk psychédélique aujourd'hui! Black Eagle Child est le très beau projet de l'américain Michael Jantz, dont on peut trouver des disques sur des labels tels que Preservation ou Under the Spire. Ici, ce sont quatre longs morceaux (plus une conclusion) de folk pastoral option psychédélisme ambient, à ne pas manquer!
Black Eagle Child
Kite Excursions
CDr Blackest Rainbow (UK, 02-2009)
01. You and Me and a Dragonfly (9:37)
02. Beetle Stalks Me (15:04)
03. Gyro Wheel (12:08)
04. Among Clay Folk (21:21)
05. June 3rd (5:48)
Note : Written & recorded by Michael Jantz
Limited to 75 copies
Black Eagle Child
Kite Excursions
CDr Blackest Rainbow (UK, 02-2009)
01. You and Me and a Dragonfly (9:37)
02. Beetle Stalks Me (15:04)
03. Gyro Wheel (12:08)
04. Among Clay Folk (21:21)
05. June 3rd (5:48)
Note : Written & recorded by Michael Jantz
Limited to 75 copies
Isengrind - Modlitewnik (Blackest Rainbow, 2010)
Comme si le duo Natural Snow Buildings n'était pas assez prolifique comme ça, ils sortent en plus d'autres disques chacun de leur côté. C'est très difficile de s'y retrouver au milieu de tout ça, à vrai dire je n'essaie même plus! Certains peaufinent leurs chansons pendant des semaines, d'autres branchent les micros et laissent la musique couler à flots. Natural Snow Buildings fait partie de cette seconde catégorie. Alors par où commencer? Pourquoi pas par cet album solo de Solange Gularte, folk, psych et dreamy au possible!
LP Blackest Rainbow BRR179 (UK, 2010)
01. Night Dew Call
02. Ver Sacrum
03. Fire Flies
04. Und Immer Noch Gibt es Freude
05. I Know Where I'm Going
06. Strigele Tanz
07. The Stellar Tree
08. Modlitewnik
09. Skadi
10. Where the Morning Dawns
11. Ishtar Way
12. The Wild Host
Ce qu'en disait le label :
Debut vinyl release from Natural Snow Buildings' Solange Gularte's solo project, Isengrind. Modlitewnik continues Solange's fantasticly far out occult psych-folk-drone trip outs, 12 tracks across the length of this LP, considerably shorter pieces in comparison to her work with Mehdi in Natural Snow Buildings, Isengrind retains a certain amount of the sound of the duo, but it is a whole other beast, in many ways much stranger and darker, but still hauntingly beautiful with some fantastic blissed out vocal drones, dreamy guitars, and psyche soaked dark drone zones.
LP Blackest Rainbow BRR179 (UK, 2010)
01. Night Dew Call
02. Ver Sacrum
03. Fire Flies
04. Und Immer Noch Gibt es Freude
05. I Know Where I'm Going
06. Strigele Tanz
07. The Stellar Tree
08. Modlitewnik
09. Skadi
10. Where the Morning Dawns
11. Ishtar Way
12. The Wild Host
Ce qu'en disait le label :
Debut vinyl release from Natural Snow Buildings' Solange Gularte's solo project, Isengrind. Modlitewnik continues Solange's fantasticly far out occult psych-folk-drone trip outs, 12 tracks across the length of this LP, considerably shorter pieces in comparison to her work with Mehdi in Natural Snow Buildings, Isengrind retains a certain amount of the sound of the duo, but it is a whole other beast, in many ways much stranger and darker, but still hauntingly beautiful with some fantastic blissed out vocal drones, dreamy guitars, and psyche soaked dark drone zones.
Monks of the Balhill - Vibratory Convulsion (Ruralfaune, 2008)
Au risque de répéter ce que je disais dans le dernier post, Ruralfaune fait partie de ces labels dénicheurs de talents. Remarqué pour ses disques sous le nom de Cankun ou d'Archers by the Sea, Vincent Caylet officiait auparavant dans les Monks of the Balhill. Folk psychédélique débridé au menu, longues plages free et cosmiques comme le label les aime!
Monks of the Balhill
Vibratory Convulsion
CDr Ruralfaune rur054 (France, 08-2008)
01. Travel Minded
02. Astride the Night with Celestial Hang-Glider
03. Caribbean Tubular
04. L'Hirondelle des Cavernes
05. Watching Tulips Growing
06. The Ilian
07. Sort des Roseaux (les Yeux dans le Dos)
08. Bottled in a Yard
Note : edition of 78 copies
Ce qu'en disait le label :
A duo comprising a member of The Cosmic Mandoliners and "V". Star-gazing folk dreams and drones - melodica, acoustic guitar, percussion and wordless vocals pitched skywards. The more spacious pieces (including one with the most cosmic whistling I've heard!) are reminiscent of Ghost Brames.
Monks of the Balhill
Vibratory Convulsion
CDr Ruralfaune rur054 (France, 08-2008)
01. Travel Minded
02. Astride the Night with Celestial Hang-Glider
03. Caribbean Tubular
04. L'Hirondelle des Cavernes
05. Watching Tulips Growing
06. The Ilian
07. Sort des Roseaux (les Yeux dans le Dos)
08. Bottled in a Yard
Note : edition of 78 copies
Ce qu'en disait le label :
A duo comprising a member of The Cosmic Mandoliners and "V". Star-gazing folk dreams and drones - melodica, acoustic guitar, percussion and wordless vocals pitched skywards. The more spacious pieces (including one with the most cosmic whistling I've heard!) are reminiscent of Ghost Brames.
The Mighty Acts of God - Joy of the Mountain (Ruralfaune, 2007)
Je ne suis pas systématiquement fan de ce que sort Ruralfaune (je vous renvoie à mon commentaire sur Twins d'il y a quelques jours). Pourtant j'aime le label pour son flair, son côté tête chercheuse. Avant d'être saluée pour les disque sortis sur son propre label ou sur Kye, Vanessa Rossetto explorait les entrailles de son violon sous le nom de the Mighty Acts of God. Une musique exigeante qui saura récompenser l'auditeur patient!
The Mighty Acts of God
Joy of the Mountain
CDr Ruralfaune rur023 (France, 2007)
01. Dredge the Sky with Nerve Nets
02. The Forest of Shoes
03. A Shudder of Wheat
04. In the Kingdom
05. Asha vs. the Druj
06. Joy of the Mountain
07. Love Charles and the Texas Bombers
08. Wax your Ears
09. Lajos Pap
10. Hard Geometries
11. A Horizon of Roses
Note : Vanessa Rossetto is an American composer, improviser and painter. She uses primarily chamber instrumentation, field recordings, electronics and a wide array of different objects exploring them through extended and traditional techniques and other methods of her own devising.
With previous albums on the lovely MYMWLY label Rossetto has built up a following for her peculiar smudged weird-folk sound which rests somewhere in the Jewelled Antler spectrum. Lesser-known instruments are tortured lovingly while metal objects clank together or are dragged across wooden floors to create walls of hazy sound. It's almost impossible to try and put your finger on what you're actually hearing as everything is submerged in a mist of noise and tape hiss, the recording process becoming the final (and sometimes central) instrument. These are dense and beautiful passages of darkened sound, at once both shadowy and full of hope and the more you listen the more your mind is free to strip back the layers of noise and reveal the beautiful, fragile songs inside.
The Mighty Acts of God
Joy of the Mountain
CDr Ruralfaune rur023 (France, 2007)
01. Dredge the Sky with Nerve Nets
02. The Forest of Shoes
03. A Shudder of Wheat
04. In the Kingdom
05. Asha vs. the Druj
06. Joy of the Mountain
07. Love Charles and the Texas Bombers
08. Wax your Ears
09. Lajos Pap
10. Hard Geometries
11. A Horizon of Roses
Note : Vanessa Rossetto is an American composer, improviser and painter. She uses primarily chamber instrumentation, field recordings, electronics and a wide array of different objects exploring them through extended and traditional techniques and other methods of her own devising.
With previous albums on the lovely MYMWLY label Rossetto has built up a following for her peculiar smudged weird-folk sound which rests somewhere in the Jewelled Antler spectrum. Lesser-known instruments are tortured lovingly while metal objects clank together or are dragged across wooden floors to create walls of hazy sound. It's almost impossible to try and put your finger on what you're actually hearing as everything is submerged in a mist of noise and tape hiss, the recording process becoming the final (and sometimes central) instrument. These are dense and beautiful passages of darkened sound, at once both shadowy and full of hope and the more you listen the more your mind is free to strip back the layers of noise and reveal the beautiful, fragile songs inside.
Jacques Thollot - Watch Devil Go (Palm, 1975)
Compositeur et batteur de jazz, Jacques Thollot est un musicien au parcours des plus singuliers. Jeune prodige entré au conservatoire quand il n'avait que onze ans, il accompagnait des gens comme Budd Powell ou Chet Baker quand il n'avait même pas quinze ans. Batteur de Don Cherry ou d'Eric Dolphy, il sort son premier album solo en 1971, le cultissime Quand le son devient aigu jeter la girafe à la mer. Le titre est intriguant, et l'album est un des préférés de Robert Wyatt, loin d'être un sourd en la matière! D'autres titres suivront, parmi lesquels celui que je vous propose aujourd'hui, avant une longue éclipse et un retour sur Nato en 1996 avec le poétique Tenga Nina.
Jacques Thollot
Watch Devil Go
LP Palm PALM 17 (France, 1975)
01. Kanephoros
02. Up-Downs
03. Watch Devil Go
04. In Extenso
05. Go Mind
06. Trypyique pour la Foire des Ténèbres (Ray Bradburry)
07. Le Ciel Manque de Généalogie
08. Kamikaze's Nightmare
09. Entre Java et Lombok
10. Eddy G. Always Present
11. Before in
12. Eleven
13. La Dynastie des Wittelsbach
14. 1883-1945, Heavens
15. Au Stylo Feutre, un Paysage
16. Canéphore
Note : J.-F. Jenny-Clark - bass, voice, Jacques Thollot - drums, piano, synthesizer, François Jeanneau - saxophone tenor, flute, synthesizer, Charline Scott - vocals.
Recorded between Dec 1974 and January 1975
Jacques Thollot
Watch Devil Go
LP Palm PALM 17 (France, 1975)
01. Kanephoros
02. Up-Downs
03. Watch Devil Go
04. In Extenso
05. Go Mind
06. Trypyique pour la Foire des Ténèbres (Ray Bradburry)
07. Le Ciel Manque de Généalogie
08. Kamikaze's Nightmare
09. Entre Java et Lombok
10. Eddy G. Always Present
11. Before in
12. Eleven
13. La Dynastie des Wittelsbach
14. 1883-1945, Heavens
15. Au Stylo Feutre, un Paysage
16. Canéphore
Note : J.-F. Jenny-Clark - bass, voice, Jacques Thollot - drums, piano, synthesizer, François Jeanneau - saxophone tenor, flute, synthesizer, Charline Scott - vocals.
Recorded between Dec 1974 and January 1975
Rechenzentrum - Nelson Suite (Vertical Form, 2002)
Après tout, pourquoi ne pas continuer? Voici donc un second maxi du duo berlinois Rechenzentrum. Et cette fois-ci, c'est clairement plus chaleureux! Est-ce la présence d'une trompette? A l'arrivée, je qualifierai pratiquement cette techno minimale de funky! On n'est pas loin de Mouse on Mars, par exemple. Au cas où vous seriez inquiets par la tournure que prend le blog, c'est promis, je reviens vers Loren MazzaCane Connors très bientôt!
Nelson Suite
12'' Vertical Form VFORM018 (UK, 2002)
a1. Nelson Suite
b1. Nelson (Nick Rapaccioli Rework)
b2. Nelson Reprise
Nelson Suite
12'' Vertical Form VFORM018 (UK, 2002)
a1. Nelson Suite
b1. Nelson (Nick Rapaccioli Rework)
b2. Nelson Reprise
Rechenzentrum - Heimkehr (Shitkatapult, 2000)
Voici un maxi du duo berlinois Rechenzentrum. Techno minimale de haut vol au menu! Blips, clicks n' cuts, ce n'est pas la facette la plus chaleureuse du duo, sans pour autant que ce travail chirurgical ne se montre trop froid. Rechenzentrum est quelque peu tombé dans l'oubli aujourd'hui, et c'est franchement regrettable.
12'' Shitkatapult Strike 15 (Germany, 2000)
a1. Tod Eines Impressionisten
a2. Werde Wesentlich
a3. Hermetisch
b1. Vrieshuis Amerika
b2. Opser Sept
b3. Die Versiegelte Zeit
12'' Shitkatapult Strike 15 (Germany, 2000)
a1. Tod Eines Impressionisten
a2. Werde Wesentlich
a3. Hermetisch
b1. Vrieshuis Amerika
b2. Opser Sept
b3. Die Versiegelte Zeit
Clint Eastwood - Clint Eastwood Sings Cowboy Favorites (Cameo, 1962)
Aïe! Je ne me risquerais pas à déboulonner la statue du commandeur, mais ce truc risque d'embarrasser les fans du grand Clint! Imaginerait-on Dirty Harry roucouler? Imaginerait-on le cavalier solitaire de Pale Rider s'essayer à la sérénade sur une plage de Hawaï au clair de lune? Il faut l'excuser, il était encore jeune, ce beau gosse qui jouait dans la série Rawhide. La légende était encore à construire! Je n'entrerai pas dans les détails, je sais que certains considèrent que ce disque n'est pas mal, mais ce jeune premier sirupeux qui chante de la country lounge pour faire fondre les filles, j'ai du mal à l'écouter en entier sans exploser de rire! Bref, c'est à vous de voir...
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood Sings Cowboy Favorites
LP Cameo C-1056 (USA, 1962)
01. Bouquet of Roses
02. Along the Santa Fe Trail
03. The Last Round up
04. Sierra Nevada
05. Mexacali Rose
06. Searching for Somewhere
07. I'll Love You More
08. Tumbling Tumbleweeds
09. Twilight on the Trail
10. San Antonio Rose
11. Don't Fence Me in
12. Are You Satisfied
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood Sings Cowboy Favorites
LP Cameo C-1056 (USA, 1962)
01. Bouquet of Roses
02. Along the Santa Fe Trail
03. The Last Round up
04. Sierra Nevada
05. Mexacali Rose
06. Searching for Somewhere
07. I'll Love You More
08. Tumbling Tumbleweeds
09. Twilight on the Trail
10. San Antonio Rose
11. Don't Fence Me in
12. Are You Satisfied
Sven Kacirek - The Kenya Sessions (Pingipung, 2011)
Après quelques jours de repos bien mérités (et fort agréables!), je reviens avec cette rencontre réussie. Comme le titre le suggère, The Kenya Sessions est le fruit de sessions enregistrées au Kenya. Field recordings et chants collectés dans divers villages au gré des rencontres, le matériau de base a ensuite été retravaillé par Sven Kacirek en studio. Le risque dans ce type d'exercice, c'est de dénaturer les enregistrements d'origine, d'en faire un digest qui ne le sera pas forcément (digeste). Mais ici l'hybridation fonctionne et le résultat enchante. Par moments, ça peut se rapprocher de certains albums de Kieran Hebden sous l'identité Four Tet ou en duo avec Steve Reid. C'est vraiment excellent!
Sven Kacirek
The Kenya Sessions
CD Pingipung PINGIPUNG20 (Germany, 03-2011)
01. Arsenal Aluny Village
02. Old Man Small Studio
03. Walk to Rangala
04. Dear Anastasia
05. Kayamba Tuc Tuc
06. Turkey Dance
07. Too Good to Be True
08. On the Coast
09. Lamu Sunsail
10. Mariae
11. Paperflowers
12. Headphones and Headdress
13. Vuvuzela in White
14. Trickled Away
15. Takaye Preaching
Note : A beautiful record created by Sven Kacirek, “experimental” drummer and electronic producer; whose mission it seems was to collect field and live recordings in Kenya and then turn the whole lot into this bubbling effervescent stew. As is fitting for Kacirek’s musical background, the record builds up on delicate rhythms, and gentle intonation of subtle, modulated beats. By far the most inspirational moments are the clever juxtapositions of field recordings with the varying percussion; such as heard on Walk to Ranga, or Lamu Sunsail, or Dear Anastasia. And there’s an elasticity and subtleness with this record that allows the listener to experience it as an easily digestible whole. On The Coast and Lamu Sunsail segue beautifully together and almost end up playing at the same time. As such they create a brilliant sonic counterpoint to each other.
Beats and musical nudges are kept sparse and shifting; at times things do get funky such as in Old Man Small Studio, or the closing minutes of Kayamba Tuc Tuc. But there’s also a beautiful dreaminess present: Maria is particularly soulful and Paperflowers is a beautifully hesitant piece which balances soft trembling xylophone runs with some raucous singing & a very discordant lute or recorder of some sort.
The shifting nature of the record is astonishing at times; the last three tracks are almost elegiac in their build up to the beautifully languid melody on Trickled Away. Takaye Preaching is a brilliant ending too, producing the best synthesis of voice and rhythm on the record.
Sven Kacirek
The Kenya Sessions
CD Pingipung PINGIPUNG20 (Germany, 03-2011)
01. Arsenal Aluny Village
02. Old Man Small Studio
03. Walk to Rangala
04. Dear Anastasia
05. Kayamba Tuc Tuc
06. Turkey Dance
07. Too Good to Be True
08. On the Coast
09. Lamu Sunsail
10. Mariae
11. Paperflowers
12. Headphones and Headdress
13. Vuvuzela in White
14. Trickled Away
15. Takaye Preaching
Note : A beautiful record created by Sven Kacirek, “experimental” drummer and electronic producer; whose mission it seems was to collect field and live recordings in Kenya and then turn the whole lot into this bubbling effervescent stew. As is fitting for Kacirek’s musical background, the record builds up on delicate rhythms, and gentle intonation of subtle, modulated beats. By far the most inspirational moments are the clever juxtapositions of field recordings with the varying percussion; such as heard on Walk to Ranga, or Lamu Sunsail, or Dear Anastasia. And there’s an elasticity and subtleness with this record that allows the listener to experience it as an easily digestible whole. On The Coast and Lamu Sunsail segue beautifully together and almost end up playing at the same time. As such they create a brilliant sonic counterpoint to each other.
Beats and musical nudges are kept sparse and shifting; at times things do get funky such as in Old Man Small Studio, or the closing minutes of Kayamba Tuc Tuc. But there’s also a beautiful dreaminess present: Maria is particularly soulful and Paperflowers is a beautifully hesitant piece which balances soft trembling xylophone runs with some raucous singing & a very discordant lute or recorder of some sort.
The shifting nature of the record is astonishing at times; the last three tracks are almost elegiac in their build up to the beautifully languid melody on Trickled Away. Takaye Preaching is a brilliant ending too, producing the best synthesis of voice and rhythm on the record.
Moon Unit - New Sky Dragon (Krayon, 2010)
Du nom du groupe à la pochette, on sent que ça va être cosmique. En effet, ça l'est, et c'est carrément excellent! Deux longs morceaux, avec nappes de claviers sur lesquelles serpentent des guitares aidées à la propuslion par la batterie. C'est du rock planant, une transe psychédélique du plus bel effet!
Moon Unit
New Sky Dragon
LP Krayon Recordings KR 016 (UK, 04-2010)
a1. Internal Future
b1. No Money No Nothing
Note : Peter Kelly (drums), Ruaraidh Sanachan (guitar), Andreas Jönsson (keyboards)
Ce qu'en disait le label :
Beautifully self recorded heavy psych formally known as the Nackt Insecten Trio. Featuring members of Lanterns, Eye Shaking Kingdom and the Sick Head Tapes decision maker.
Top flight three man cosmic research team further investigations on galactic flux and refraction with two transmissions of synesthetic mind-fold. Lift off with skyward string stasis cutting through buffeted drum-clouds and synthesiser atmosphere, cosmic forever vision peaks at warp-speed rocket drone, anti-gravity percussion accents and star scraping rainbow universes. Saturating feedback zones spread webs of dimension amidst asteroid belt orbits, where two-way trips initiate zero g shimmer into the outer limit of the space ritual via ancient totems to the three moon cycles and the internal black hole smoke sacrifice.
Moon Unit
New Sky Dragon
LP Krayon Recordings KR 016 (UK, 04-2010)
a1. Internal Future
b1. No Money No Nothing
Note : Peter Kelly (drums), Ruaraidh Sanachan (guitar), Andreas Jönsson (keyboards)
Ce qu'en disait le label :
Beautifully self recorded heavy psych formally known as the Nackt Insecten Trio. Featuring members of Lanterns, Eye Shaking Kingdom and the Sick Head Tapes decision maker.
Top flight three man cosmic research team further investigations on galactic flux and refraction with two transmissions of synesthetic mind-fold. Lift off with skyward string stasis cutting through buffeted drum-clouds and synthesiser atmosphere, cosmic forever vision peaks at warp-speed rocket drone, anti-gravity percussion accents and star scraping rainbow universes. Saturating feedback zones spread webs of dimension amidst asteroid belt orbits, where two-way trips initiate zero g shimmer into the outer limit of the space ritual via ancient totems to the three moon cycles and the internal black hole smoke sacrifice.
Twins - The Other Side of (Ruralfaune, 2010)
Sur son blog, on ne devrait poster que des choses qu'on aime, mais je vais faire une exception! Twins n'est pas un duo de jumeaux, mais le projet solo d'un dénommé Matt Weiner en provenance de Brooklyn. Ruralfaune a l'air d'y croire, puisque cette fois-ci ne n'est pas un CDr mais un vrai album vinyle. Et franchement, je ne vois pas ce qu'il lui trouve! C'est de la synth-pop avec des morceaux de guitares no-wave et un chant qui me crispe. Il faut aussi dire que je n'aime pas du tout le dernier Cold Cave et ce genre de revival, ceci explique sans doute cela! On dirait un disque new-wave exhumé du début des années 80, qui a bouffé du Joy Division et du Cure mais n'a pas très bien digéré ses influences. Je n'accroche pas sur les mélodies, je n'accroche sur rien, le disque me semble complètement inutile, une déception de la part de Ruralfaune.
The Other Side of
LP Ruralfaune Synth Series synth013 (France, 10-2010)
01. About Us
02. Worn Out
03. Drive By Digital Ghost
04. Run Away (from Me)
05. Waiting
06. Priority Report
07. The Other Side of
08. What's Wrong with Me?
09. Danger Zone
10. Theme From "One Day, Feeling Better"
11. He's Back Around
Note : Matt Weiner - All sounds, instruments, vocals, lyrics, recording, production, mixing, etc.
Dan Friedman - Guitar on 'Waiting'
"An unknown future lies on the Other Side of time. Action is your power, the vehicle through which you can arrive there. If the present seems hopeless you must explore this other way, the only way out. No one else can help you, you will find it yourself. The out of time way is the way of peace of mind. Pave the present with a pass-way to a better future, the different future, the future that is out of time. In this zone you are another side of yourself. This is not to be feared. Engage all sides of yourself to succeed on the other side: the future is the only " time to move on." " (Matt Weiner)
The Other Side of
LP Ruralfaune Synth Series synth013 (France, 10-2010)
01. About Us
02. Worn Out
03. Drive By Digital Ghost
04. Run Away (from Me)
05. Waiting
06. Priority Report
07. The Other Side of
08. What's Wrong with Me?
09. Danger Zone
10. Theme From "One Day, Feeling Better"
11. He's Back Around
Note : Matt Weiner - All sounds, instruments, vocals, lyrics, recording, production, mixing, etc.
Dan Friedman - Guitar on 'Waiting'
"An unknown future lies on the Other Side of time. Action is your power, the vehicle through which you can arrive there. If the present seems hopeless you must explore this other way, the only way out. No one else can help you, you will find it yourself. The out of time way is the way of peace of mind. Pave the present with a pass-way to a better future, the different future, the future that is out of time. In this zone you are another side of yourself. This is not to be feared. Engage all sides of yourself to succeed on the other side: the future is the only " time to move on." " (Matt Weiner)
The Diamond Family Archive - Lakes Meres Ponds & Waters (Dinosaur Club, 2011)
On s'en serait douté, derrière cette ''riche famille'' se cache un anglais solitaire. Il s'agit d'un projet indie-folk de toute beauté mais encore trop méconnu, la faute à des sorties très confidentielles. Pourtant, quand cette Famille de Diamant ouvre ses archives, Laurence Collyer tutoie sans peine les plus grands. Un gros, très très gros coup de coeur!
The Diamond Family Archive
Lakes Meres Ponds & Waters
LP Dinosaur Club DC032 (USA, 03-2011)
01. Volcano
02. Lazy About the Things That Matter
03. The Main Town
04. For the Memory of
05. In Mind (Caroline)
06. A Golden Fire
07. Sleeping Under Stars
08. Crows
09. Winter
10. Close to the Grave
11. My Lonesome Pine
Ce qu'en disait le label :
Described as Psych-folk, Freak-folk, Alt-folk, Loner-folk, whatever you want. Laurence Collyer is a reclusive British artist who writes, records and performs music and folk-song using the rather grand moniker, The Diamond Family Archive. Laurence has been involved in the DIY music scene for many years and was the co-founder of Woodland Recordings. This being his first proper US vinyl release and a banger it is.
The Diamond Family Archive
Lakes Meres Ponds & Waters
LP Dinosaur Club DC032 (USA, 03-2011)
01. Volcano
02. Lazy About the Things That Matter
03. The Main Town
04. For the Memory of
05. In Mind (Caroline)
06. A Golden Fire
07. Sleeping Under Stars
08. Crows
09. Winter
10. Close to the Grave
11. My Lonesome Pine
Ce qu'en disait le label :
Described as Psych-folk, Freak-folk, Alt-folk, Loner-folk, whatever you want. Laurence Collyer is a reclusive British artist who writes, records and performs music and folk-song using the rather grand moniker, The Diamond Family Archive. Laurence has been involved in the DIY music scene for many years and was the co-founder of Woodland Recordings. This being his first proper US vinyl release and a banger it is.
The Blue Nile - Live at Morning Becomes Eclectic (KCRW, 2004)
Voici un document qui j'en suis sûr ravira certaines personnes ici! The Blue Nile est un groupe rare qui passe un temps fou en studio à peaufiner ses albums (seulement quatre en vingt ans, parmi lesquels le mythique Hats). Leurs prestations live sont pour le moins sporadiques. Entendre Paul Buchanan accompagné d'une seule guitare est d'autant plus exceptionnel. D'ailleurs, c'était une première pour lui aussi lorsqu'il est passé à la célèbre émission Morning Becomes Eclectic de la radio californienne KCRW. Les guitares avaient fait un retour en force sur l'album Peace at Last, mais pas à ce point. En fin de session, Paul Buchanan révise ses classiques, et nous rappelle que Let's Go Out Tonight est une des plus belles chansons du monde, dans sa version originale, qu'elle soit accompagnée des violons de Craig Armstrong ou d'une simple guitare.
The Blue Nile
Live @ Morning Becomes Eclectic 2004
01. Intro
02. Easter Parade
03. I Would Never
04. Because of Toledo
05. She Saw the World
06. Interview Segment
07. Walk Across the Rooftops
08. Heatwave
09. Let's Go out Tonight
10. Exit
Note : KCRW, Santa Monica, 30.09.2004
The Blue Nile
Live @ Morning Becomes Eclectic 2004
01. Intro
02. Easter Parade
03. I Would Never
04. Because of Toledo
05. She Saw the World
06. Interview Segment
07. Walk Across the Rooftops
08. Heatwave
09. Let's Go out Tonight
10. Exit
Note : KCRW, Santa Monica, 30.09.2004
Eyeless in Gaza - Streets I Ran (A-Scale Recordings, 1995)
Cet EP est le compagnon de l'album Saw You In Reminding Pictures. Les morceaux sont issus des mêmes sessions, et constituent un joli prolongement à l'album. Je crois que je n'ai rien d'autre à ajouter!
Eyeless in Gaza
Streets I Ran
CD A-Scale Recordings a-scale 016 (UK, 1995)
01. Streets I Ran
02. Songs of Living Sons
03. History Book
04. Up the Walls of Song
05. Twilight Walking
Note : This EP collection of (mostly) improvised pieces recorded live at Ambivalent Scale Studios Oct/Nov 1994. This is a sister/companion volume to the "Saw You In Reminding Pictures" LP.
Eyeless in Gaza
Streets I Ran
CD A-Scale Recordings a-scale 016 (UK, 1995)
01. Streets I Ran
02. Songs of Living Sons
03. History Book
04. Up the Walls of Song
05. Twilight Walking
Note : This EP collection of (mostly) improvised pieces recorded live at Ambivalent Scale Studios Oct/Nov 1994. This is a sister/companion volume to the "Saw You In Reminding Pictures" LP.
Eyeless in Gaza - Saw You in Reminding Pictures (Hive-Arc, 1994)
Après une série de posts consacrés à Martyn Bates, il était logique que je vous propose aussi un album d'Eyeless in Gaza. Après plusieurs années de silence, le duo se reformait. Mais peut-on vraiment parler de séparation? Le duo n'a jamais vraiment cessé d'exister, et se produisait encore sur scène il y a quelques mois. Quinze ans après leurs débuts, Saw You In Reminding Pictures est constitué de titres basés sur des improvisations. L'occasion j'imagine pour Martyn Bates et Peter Becker de voir si l'inspiration est toujours là. Et la réponse est oui! Magie et créativité sont toujours au rendez-vous. Expérimentale, ambient, folk et mélancolique, arabisante et fortement enracinée en Angleterre à la fois, cette musique reste unique.
Eyeless in Gaza
Saw You in Reminding Pictures
CD Hive-Arc 015 (UK, 1994)
01. Book
02. Full Beautiful
03. Wild Flower
04. Reminding Pictures
05. Mock Sun
06. Orchard and Brandy
07. All yr Pages
08. Streets I Ran
09. Cornish Claw
10. Day Screaming Reminiscence
11. Sennen Cove Cliff Path
12. Sea Bed
13. Lizard
14. Drive the Nail Thru the Snake
15. Many
16. Brilliant Blue
17. Hunger Song
18. Dwell
Note : Limited numbered edition of 1000 copies.
"This collection of (mostly) improvised pieces recorded live at Ambivalent Scale Studios, Feb/March 1994. Imaginary soundtracks, soundscapes for the reminding pictures in us."
Eyeless in Gaza
Saw You in Reminding Pictures
CD Hive-Arc 015 (UK, 1994)
01. Book
02. Full Beautiful
03. Wild Flower
04. Reminding Pictures
05. Mock Sun
06. Orchard and Brandy
07. All yr Pages
08. Streets I Ran
09. Cornish Claw
10. Day Screaming Reminiscence
11. Sennen Cove Cliff Path
12. Sea Bed
13. Lizard
14. Drive the Nail Thru the Snake
15. Many
16. Brilliant Blue
17. Hunger Song
18. Dwell
Note : Limited numbered edition of 1000 copies.
"This collection of (mostly) improvised pieces recorded live at Ambivalent Scale Studios, Feb/March 1994. Imaginary soundtracks, soundscapes for the reminding pictures in us."
Ticklish & Fizzarum - Split (Textile, 2001)
Dans la Vinyl Serie du label français Textile Records, la rencontre entre Ticklish, trio anglais expérimental, et les russes de Fizzarum. La label décrit bien mieux que moi la face consacrée à Ticklish, pleine de petits bruits organiques ou électriques, de drones discrets et de granulations diverses. Le résultat est moins aride qu'on ne le penserait, on a l'impression d'observer la vie nocturne d'une clairière. Et c'est bien vivant! En face B, les russes nous offrent des morceaux plus immédiats, fortement marqués par une IDM façon Autechre. Ce qui n'a rien de surprenant puisque ce split date tout de même de 2001. Le résultat vaut le détour!
Ticklish / Fizzarum
12'' Textile Records TXTVNL 02 (France, 2001)
a1. Ticklish - Rubato
b1. Fizzarum - Tond Three
b2. Fizzarum - Tond Seven
Ce qu'en disait le label :
This LP features one long track by Ticklish and two tracks by Fizzarum. The track by Ticklish is a slowly developing piece of layered and manipulated sounds of all kinds. On first listening it seems a very friendly piece without much edges. Soft loops, drones and occasional glitches reveal an ongoing process of change. And yet, the friendliness is oblique: there is a certain harshness as well. I wouldn't call it noise, but basically that's what it is. And then, of course, things become interesting, because this friendliness and this harshness are inextricably linked together. That makes this track very worth the listen, without loosing a certain entertainment value. The tracks by Fizzarum are based on very slow drum computer rhythms, with slow synths and samples washing over. And, as corny as that may sound, the opposite is achieved. This is not corny at all, and, to my big amazement, I have no clue how to explain. Ah well, sometimes words are simply not enough. A recommended record.
Ticklish / Fizzarum
12'' Textile Records TXTVNL 02 (France, 2001)
a1. Ticklish - Rubato
b1. Fizzarum - Tond Three
b2. Fizzarum - Tond Seven
Ce qu'en disait le label :
This LP features one long track by Ticklish and two tracks by Fizzarum. The track by Ticklish is a slowly developing piece of layered and manipulated sounds of all kinds. On first listening it seems a very friendly piece without much edges. Soft loops, drones and occasional glitches reveal an ongoing process of change. And yet, the friendliness is oblique: there is a certain harshness as well. I wouldn't call it noise, but basically that's what it is. And then, of course, things become interesting, because this friendliness and this harshness are inextricably linked together. That makes this track very worth the listen, without loosing a certain entertainment value. The tracks by Fizzarum are based on very slow drum computer rhythms, with slow synths and samples washing over. And, as corny as that may sound, the opposite is achieved. This is not corny at all, and, to my big amazement, I have no clue how to explain. Ah well, sometimes words are simply not enough. A recommended record.
Praveen & Benoit Pioulard - Songs Spun Simla (Music Related, 2008)
Ce mini-album croise Benoit Pioulard et son ami Praven Sharma. On reconnait le chant de Benoit Pioulard, parfois atone, parfois nonchalant, ainsi que son goût pour le mariage de chansons folk et d'arrangements électroniques doucement ambient. Praven, quant à lui, est essentiellement connu pour un album orienté IDM sorti sur Neo Ouija quelques années auparavant. De là à penser qu'il s'agit d'un mini-album de Benoit Pioulard et que Praveen n'a fait ''que'' signer les arrangements, il n'y a qu'un pas... que je me garderai bien de franchir! Marqué par un voyage en Inde, Praveen y apporte clairement un plus, dans l'utilisation prononcée de la batterie ou dans la façon dont les boucles tendent - humblement - à faire pencher les morceaux vers un mantra. Un seul reproche: c'est trop court! Et quand on dit ça, c'est bien souvent plus un regret et une qualité qu'un vrai reproche!
Praveen & Benoit Pioulard
Songs Spun Simla
CD Music Related ML21 (USA, 08-2008)
01. The Tunnel Is Still There
02. Death as a Man
03. To Scale
04. Embers
05. 1991
06. Chiaroscuro
Ce qu'en disait le label :
Praveen Sharma and Thomas Meluch (aka Benoît Pioulard) have met only a handful of times and have never resided in the same city, but over the course of two-plus years they have been quietly assembling Songs Spun Simla, a brief but luminescent collection of pieces driven by Praveen’s inventive arrangements and Benoît’s lush vocal harmonizing. Praveen released his remarkable debut Backed by Spirits on the now-defunct Neo Ouija imprint just as Benoît emerged with the Enge EP on Michigan’s Moodgadget label in early 2005. Through mutual contacts they found that each was an admirer of the other’s work, and the seeds for a casual collaboration were sown. Not long after, Praveen returned from a profound journey through his family’s native India with a minidisk full of field recordings and voices, forming the basis of opener “The Tunnel is Still There”. As he continued creating new songs with an ever-expanding palette of instruments and digital effects, Benoît arranged lyrics and harmonies, driven by the unfamiliarity and excitement of the process. Various ideas arose concerning the fate of these works, but once a record’s worth had been amassed, their friends at Music Related expressed interest in a proper release. Songs Spun Simla is named in honor of the village in India from which Praveen’s family originates – it’s inseparable from his musical inspirations yet still distant and shaped largely by memory. His compostions exist on a fitting scale, then; from the stunning, expansive lead-in of “Death as a Man” to the incredibly detailed percussion of “To Scale”, there’s a sense of worldliness, history and nostalgia placed in a crucible with technology and innovation. Much like a travelogue, the six movements of Songs Spun Simla abut soaring highs with passages of quiet, intimate beauty to create a deeply affecting whole.
Praveen & Benoit Pioulard
Songs Spun Simla
CD Music Related ML21 (USA, 08-2008)
01. The Tunnel Is Still There
02. Death as a Man
03. To Scale
04. Embers
05. 1991
06. Chiaroscuro
Ce qu'en disait le label :
Praveen Sharma and Thomas Meluch (aka Benoît Pioulard) have met only a handful of times and have never resided in the same city, but over the course of two-plus years they have been quietly assembling Songs Spun Simla, a brief but luminescent collection of pieces driven by Praveen’s inventive arrangements and Benoît’s lush vocal harmonizing. Praveen released his remarkable debut Backed by Spirits on the now-defunct Neo Ouija imprint just as Benoît emerged with the Enge EP on Michigan’s Moodgadget label in early 2005. Through mutual contacts they found that each was an admirer of the other’s work, and the seeds for a casual collaboration were sown. Not long after, Praveen returned from a profound journey through his family’s native India with a minidisk full of field recordings and voices, forming the basis of opener “The Tunnel is Still There”. As he continued creating new songs with an ever-expanding palette of instruments and digital effects, Benoît arranged lyrics and harmonies, driven by the unfamiliarity and excitement of the process. Various ideas arose concerning the fate of these works, but once a record’s worth had been amassed, their friends at Music Related expressed interest in a proper release. Songs Spun Simla is named in honor of the village in India from which Praveen’s family originates – it’s inseparable from his musical inspirations yet still distant and shaped largely by memory. His compostions exist on a fitting scale, then; from the stunning, expansive lead-in of “Death as a Man” to the incredibly detailed percussion of “To Scale”, there’s a sense of worldliness, history and nostalgia placed in a crucible with technology and innovation. Much like a travelogue, the six movements of Songs Spun Simla abut soaring highs with passages of quiet, intimate beauty to create a deeply affecting whole.
Martyn Bates - Leitmotif (Hand/Eye, 2005)
Voici un titre rare et confidentiel de Martyn Bates. Plus tardif que les deux albums précédemment proposés ici, il dévoile une autre facette de sa musique, avec une orientation plus folk et pastorale. Il est intéressant de voir l'évolution de son écriture depuis son ''Letters Written'' de 1982. Quant à sa voix, elle est toujours aussi superbe!
Martyn Bates
Leitmotif (The Folklore of the Moon Vol. 4)
CDr Hand/Eye H-E Moon 4.2 (UK, 06-2005)
01. The Dim and the Yellow Light...
02. The Twa Sisters-Minorie (Child #10) pt. 1
03. The Lovely Moon
04. The Twa Sisters-Minorie (Child #10) pt. 2
05. Midnight Labours
06. The Twa Sisters-Minorie (Child #10) pt. 3
07. The Bright Moon
Note : Limited edition of 100 copies. The Folklore of the Moon 3" series volume IV (II) June 22, 2005 - Full Strawberry Moon. Produced at Ambivalent Scale Studios, Warwickshire, England. Feb-April 2005.
Martyn Bates
Leitmotif (The Folklore of the Moon Vol. 4)
CDr Hand/Eye H-E Moon 4.2 (UK, 06-2005)
01. The Dim and the Yellow Light...
02. The Twa Sisters-Minorie (Child #10) pt. 1
03. The Lovely Moon
04. The Twa Sisters-Minorie (Child #10) pt. 2
05. Midnight Labours
06. The Twa Sisters-Minorie (Child #10) pt. 3
07. The Bright Moon
Note : Limited edition of 100 copies. The Folklore of the Moon 3" series volume IV (II) June 22, 2005 - Full Strawberry Moon. Produced at Ambivalent Scale Studios, Warwickshire, England. Feb-April 2005.
Martyn Bates - Love Smashed on a Rock (Integrity, 1988)
Après quelques années majoritairement consacrées à Eyeless in Gaza, Martyn Bates reprend le fil de sa carrière solo. La musique du groupe était plus glacée, plus mystérieuse et fragile, plus expérimentale aussi, et elle mettra des années avant de se ''normaliser'' pour devenir plus ouvertement pop. En solo, Martyn Bates n'a pas ce complexe, ses compositions sont nettement moins figées et plus immédiates, et toujours aussi séduisantes!
Martyn Bates
Love Smashed on a Rock
LP Integrity IR 002 (UK, 10-1988)
CD Integrity IR 002-CD (Beglium, 01-1990)
01. I’d Better Mean It All Now
02. Since I Can’t Have You
03. You So Secret
04. This is What I Say to Love
05. Dark’s Chorus
06. Love Smashed on a Rock
07. We Won’t Begin to Belong
08. Azure Flag
09. She’s on a Pedestal
10. You’re the Spell (I Can’t Break)
11. And I Don’t Know How It Will Be
12. Down Amongst the Lonely
Note : Paul Sampson : percussion bass guitar.
Tracks 11 and 12 appear on CD but are not listed on the inlay.
Martyn Bates
Love Smashed on a Rock
LP Integrity IR 002 (UK, 10-1988)
CD Integrity IR 002-CD (Beglium, 01-1990)
01. I’d Better Mean It All Now
02. Since I Can’t Have You
03. You So Secret
04. This is What I Say to Love
05. Dark’s Chorus
06. Love Smashed on a Rock
07. We Won’t Begin to Belong
08. Azure Flag
09. She’s on a Pedestal
10. You’re the Spell (I Can’t Break)
11. And I Don’t Know How It Will Be
12. Down Amongst the Lonely
Note : Paul Sampson : percussion bass guitar.
Tracks 11 and 12 appear on CD but are not listed on the inlay.
Martyn Bates - Letters Written (Cherry Red, 1982)
Martyn Bates est le chanteur d'Eyeless in Gaza, duo en clair-obscur objet d'un culte discret aujourd'hui. Pour les fans des Pale Saints qui ne le sauraient pas déjà, Eyeless in Gaza était une des influences majeures de Ian Masters. Martyn Bates n'a pas attendu la fin du duo pour se lancer dans une carrière solo, comme le prouve cet album sorti parallèlement aux premiers albums d'Eyeless in Gaza. Son versant ouvertement plus pop et optimiste, au service d'une voix immédiatement reconnaissable. Magnifique!
Martyn Bates
Letter Written
10'' Cherry Red TRED 38 (UK, 10-1982)
01. Morning Singing
02. Cut Like Sunset
03. In June
04. Mirrored in Me
05. Overflowing Look
06. Aftertaste of Old
07. Jagged Tears of Words
08. Letters from Yesterday
09. Calls of Birds
10. Hungry Like Sharp Desire
Martyn Bates
Letter Written
10'' Cherry Red TRED 38 (UK, 10-1982)
01. Morning Singing
02. Cut Like Sunset
03. In June
04. Mirrored in Me
05. Overflowing Look
06. Aftertaste of Old
07. Jagged Tears of Words
08. Letters from Yesterday
09. Calls of Birds
10. Hungry Like Sharp Desire
Eliane Radigue - E = A = B = A + B (Povertech Industries, 2000)
Voici la réédition d'une pièce ancienne de la compositrice française Eliane Radigue. Pas encore de drone ici, avant de s'intéresser au bouddhisme tibétain qui donnera ses oeuvres les plus célèbres (sa Trilogie de la Mort) elle travaille avec bandes et feedback pour des pièces électroacoustiques demandant une écoute active de la part de l'auditeur. Si l'on dispose de plusieurs platines (et de plusieurs exemplaires du disques tant qu'à faire!), on peut jouer chaque face individuellement ou simultanément, à la vitesse de son choix. Une expérience difficile à retranscrire en MP3.
Eliane Radigue
E = A = B = A + B
2x7'' Povertech Industries PSP001 (USA, 2000)
01. Face A-1
02. Face A-2
03. Face A-3
04. Face A-4
Note : Originally released 1969 in an edition of 250.
This is a Povertech Special Projects release. Sides to be played individually or simultaneously (synchronous or asynchronous) in any combination, and in any combination of speeds (78, 45, 33, or 16 rpm) (recorded here at 33rpm).
Eliane Radigue
E = A = B = A + B
2x7'' Povertech Industries PSP001 (USA, 2000)
01. Face A-1
02. Face A-2
03. Face A-3
04. Face A-4
Note : Originally released 1969 in an edition of 250.
This is a Povertech Special Projects release. Sides to be played individually or simultaneously (synchronous or asynchronous) in any combination, and in any combination of speeds (78, 45, 33, or 16 rpm) (recorded here at 33rpm).
Akiyama & Ambarchi & Licht - Willow Weep and Moan for Me (Antiopic, 2006)
Trois guitaristes amateurs d'expérimentation se rencontrent le temps d'un festival en Nouvelle-Zélande. Ce qui définit le mieux la musique d'Oren Ambarchi, c'est le titre d'un de ses albums sur Touch : ''Suspension''. Le silence entre deux notes est souvent plus important que les notes elles-mêmes. La participation d'Alan Licht (déjà croisé sur ce blog en compagnie de Loren Connors) vous met la puce à l'oreille quant à l'objet de cette rencontre : les trois musiciens revisitent le blues, le déstructurent, et finissent par le retourner complètement!
Tetuzi Akiyama / Oren Ambarchi / Alan Licht
Willow Weep and Moan for Me
CD3'' Antiopic AN009/LS003 (USA, 08-2006)
01. Willow Weep and Moan for Me
Note : Recorded live at the Bomb the Space festival, Wellington, NZ, July 6th, 2004.
Antiopic Live Series LS003, volume 3 in a series of improvised music.
Tetuzi Akiyama / Oren Ambarchi / Alan Licht
Willow Weep and Moan for Me
CD3'' Antiopic AN009/LS003 (USA, 08-2006)
01. Willow Weep and Moan for Me
Note : Recorded live at the Bomb the Space festival, Wellington, NZ, July 6th, 2004.
Antiopic Live Series LS003, volume 3 in a series of improvised music.
v/a - Produce (Ai Records, 2002)
Plus discret que ses collègues Warp, Rephlex ou Planet Mu, Ai Records était un label tout aussi fréquentable. Il ne lui manquait que des artistes phares pour être plus connu. En dehors de Claro Intelecto ou Yellotone, il n'y a pas franchement de noms connus ici. Ce qui ne veut pas dire que la qualité ne soit pas au rendez-vous! C'est une excellente compilation incontournable pour tout amateur d'IDM de la grande époque.
Various Artists
LP Ai Records AiLP003 (UK, 08-2002)
a1. Claro Intelecto - Two Thousand
a2. FZV - She Said
a3. Crel - Destroy2
a4. Claro Intelecto - International
b1. Yellotone - Prossertution
b2. Nanque & Eiger - My Liquid Sphere
b3. LJ Kruzer - Mowzer
b4. Montag - Parc Extension
b5. Normal - Nu Futures
Note : Limited to 300 copies, spray-painted sleeve.
Various Artists
LP Ai Records AiLP003 (UK, 08-2002)
a1. Claro Intelecto - Two Thousand
a2. FZV - She Said
a3. Crel - Destroy2
a4. Claro Intelecto - International
b1. Yellotone - Prossertution
b2. Nanque & Eiger - My Liquid Sphere
b3. LJ Kruzer - Mowzer
b4. Montag - Parc Extension
b5. Normal - Nu Futures
Note : Limited to 300 copies, spray-painted sleeve.
Printed Circuit - Gimmie Aibo (Elefant, 2000)
Retour à des plaisirs simples après quelques disques plus ''difficiles''. Les écossais de Printed Circuit signent ici un single addictif au possible. C'est frais, ludique, une musique pour jeux vidéos délicieusement rétro et catchy! Pas étonnant que le très indie-pop label espagnol Elefant soit tombé sous le charme lui aussi!
Printed Circuit
Gimmie Aibo
7'' Elefant Records ER-223 (Spain, 07-2000)
a1. Gimmie Aibo
b1. Solar for my Format
b2. Systematik (Gng Weird Funk Mix)
Ce qu'en disait le label :
From her Scottish headquarters Claire composes delightful soundtracks for imaginary videogames. Influenced by classic names like MOUSE ON MARS or KRAFTWERK, and boasting a healthy do-it-yourself philosophy, the three songs in this single are charmingly funny and irresistably dancey as well.
Printed Circuit
Gimmie Aibo
7'' Elefant Records ER-223 (Spain, 07-2000)
a1. Gimmie Aibo
b1. Solar for my Format
b2. Systematik (Gng Weird Funk Mix)
Ce qu'en disait le label :
From her Scottish headquarters Claire composes delightful soundtracks for imaginary videogames. Influenced by classic names like MOUSE ON MARS or KRAFTWERK, and boasting a healthy do-it-yourself philosophy, the three songs in this single are charmingly funny and irresistably dancey as well.
Doron Sadja - A Piece of String, a Sunset (12k, 2003)
Label de Taylor Deupree, 12k a incontestablement une ligne esthétique très forte, parfois trop écrasante je dirais même. Traitement de bruits numériques microscopiques, travail sur les fréquences et les rythmes, le cahier des charges est ici encore bien respecté. Jusqu'à l'arrivée surprise d'une guitare qui vient ouvrir de nouveaux horizons sur le dernier titre, tout en faisant fortement penser à Fennesz. Salué par la critique comme un premier album prometteur, il reste à ce jour le seul album sorti par son auteur à ma connaissance. Et c'est dommage, car le dernier morceau contenait des promesses d'émancipation qu'on aurait aimé ne pas voir rester sans suite!
Doron Sadja
A Piece of String, a Sunset
CD 12k 12k1023 (USA, 03-2003)
01. Untitled
02. Untitled
03. Untitled
04. Untitled
05. Untitled
Note : Limited to 1000 copies.
Violin by Amie Weiss, guitar loop in track 5 by John Anderson.
Ce qu'en disait le label :
Doron Sadja's debut release, A Piece Of String, A Sunset, is a five-movement CD exploring the subtle fluctuations in tone and amplitude created by the combination of sinewaves nearly identical in pitch. Utilizing a 144 note per octave scale, A Piece Of String, A Sunsett is made up of chords containing notes 1/12 a semitone apart, with a heavy emphasis on pitches near the threshold of human audibility. These extreme frequencies are combined with the randomatomization of data/sound files, the sparse pulse of rhythmic static, and the continuously present expressive meandering of a sul pont Violin (played by Amie Weiss) and loops of manipulated guitar (played by John Anderson) forming a highly synthetic yet still organic body of music.
Doron has collaborated with 12k's Motion, during a recent extended stay in London (a portion of which will be released on the 12k/LINE double cd compilation in autumn 2003), as well as Pony (Matt Mehlan, Seve Martinez, andAnthony Lowe), John Anderson, Climax, and dancer Jean Copeland. His liveshows include laptop, homemade electronics, accordion, and/orcassette loop and mixerloop manipulation. Doron is currently studying Technology in Music and Related Arts at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music in Ohio and is also the co-founder of the electronic music label Shinkoyo.
Doron Sadja
A Piece of String, a Sunset
CD 12k 12k1023 (USA, 03-2003)
01. Untitled
02. Untitled
03. Untitled
04. Untitled
05. Untitled
Note : Limited to 1000 copies.
Violin by Amie Weiss, guitar loop in track 5 by John Anderson.
Ce qu'en disait le label :
Doron Sadja's debut release, A Piece Of String, A Sunset, is a five-movement CD exploring the subtle fluctuations in tone and amplitude created by the combination of sinewaves nearly identical in pitch. Utilizing a 144 note per octave scale, A Piece Of String, A Sunsett is made up of chords containing notes 1/12 a semitone apart, with a heavy emphasis on pitches near the threshold of human audibility. These extreme frequencies are combined with the randomatomization of data/sound files, the sparse pulse of rhythmic static, and the continuously present expressive meandering of a sul pont Violin (played by Amie Weiss) and loops of manipulated guitar (played by John Anderson) forming a highly synthetic yet still organic body of music.
Doron has collaborated with 12k's Motion, during a recent extended stay in London (a portion of which will be released on the 12k/LINE double cd compilation in autumn 2003), as well as Pony (Matt Mehlan, Seve Martinez, andAnthony Lowe), John Anderson, Climax, and dancer Jean Copeland. His liveshows include laptop, homemade electronics, accordion, and/orcassette loop and mixerloop manipulation. Doron is currently studying Technology in Music and Related Arts at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music in Ohio and is also the co-founder of the electronic music label Shinkoyo.
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